Mark Leephaibul is our new
Auxiliar de Conversación this year. He comes from Chicago (USA), he has just graduated in Political Science and Economics and he is here to help teachers and students to improve their English.
Denia Delgado, a student in 2º ESO A, has interviewed him:
Denia: Hello Mark, is this your first time in Spain?
Mark: No, I was here on vacation when I was 12.
Denia: How old are you now?
Mark: I'm 22.
Denia: Have you visited any other European countries?
Mark: Yes, I went to The Netherlands, Germany, France, Greece, The Czetch Republic and Italy before coming to Spain.
Denia: What is your favourite kind of music?
Mark: Reggae, Hip-Hop and Rock.
Denia: And your favourite sport?
Mark: Soccer.
Denia: Do you like Spain?
Mark: Oh yes, I love it.
Denia: And our school?
Mark: Yes, the students are great and everyone is friendly.
Denia: Do you have a girlfriend?
Mark: At the moment, no. But I've only been in Spain for 2 weeks so I will keep looking for one.
Denia: Do you speak Spanish?
Mark: Sí, hablo Español pero quiero mejorar.
Denia: Thank you very much Mark and welcome to Spain and to our school !
Mark: Thanks to you !