sábado, diciembre 19, 2009
A new success at the 9th edition of the Cake Contest organized by the English Department.
25 contestants and lots of students who came round and tasted the cakes.
UUmmmmm! Delicious !!!!
UNICEF and the Children's Rights
jueves, diciembre 17, 2009
English can be fun
I´m Javier, the 3rd course teacher. I would like to show you my students´ work...
Have nice holidays and enjoy Christmas!!!!!!!!!
English can be fun...
miércoles, diciembre 16, 2009
Our 1st, 2nd and 3rd ESO students went to the theatre yesterday... to the theatre in English.
The dynamic theatre company Moving ON performed the play Going Underground at the Casa de la Cultura in Valmojado.
We had a great time. It was particularly funny the moment when some of the students came up on stage and became actors for a while.
lunes, diciembre 07, 2009
The American Constitution and the Human Rights
Last thursday, 3rd of December, our students in the 2nd level of bachillerato attended a presentation on the American Constitution, given by Mark Leephaibul, our Auxiliar de conversación.
It was a really nice and interesting talk through which he reviewed some of the most remarkable moments in the history of the American Constitution: the Independence of the USA, the founder fathers, the Bill of Rights and its relation with the Human Rights.
Thanks to Mark, the students were able to learn something about this topic and listen to a native English speaker.
domingo, noviembre 22, 2009
viernes, noviembre 13, 2009
jueves, noviembre 12, 2009
miércoles, noviembre 11, 2009
En nuestro centro, todos los alumnos, profesores, personal administrativo y familiares que lo deseen, podrán presentarse a las pruebas GESE (Graded Examinations in Spoken English) el próximo mes de junio de 2010 y optar a uno de estos títulos. El plazo de matriculación se abrirá en enero.
Pide más información a tu profesor/a de Inglés o directamente en el departamento.
Luis Fdez.
jueves, noviembre 05, 2009
GUY FAWKES: Remember, remember the 5th of November!
Guy Fawkes is celebrated in the UK on the 5th of November. Guy Fawkes was the leader of a group of Catholic conspirators who tried to blow up the Houses of Parliament and kill the Protestant king James I, using 36 barrels of gunpowder. Then, this was called The Gunpowder Plot. It's now common to celebrate Guy Fawkes with fireworks and bonfires, that's why this holiday is also called The Bonfire Night.
Luis Fdez.
lunes, octubre 26, 2009
It's Halloween, Trick or Treat?
jueves, octubre 22, 2009
New Teaching Resources: Techno 12-18
Our Technology Department has subscribed to an online programme whose contents deal with all kinds of technological matters: tools, structures, computers, electricity, etc.
It can be used both in English and in Spanish and it has lots of texts, pictures and activities.
An easy and funny way to teach and learn using TICs.
Technology department.
viernes, octubre 16, 2009
Welcome, Mark !!
Denia Delgado, a student in 2º ESO A, has interviewed him:
Denia: Hello Mark, is this your first time in Spain?
Mark: No, I was here on vacation when I was 12.
Denia: How old are you now?
Mark: I'm 22.
Denia: Have you visited any other European countries?
Mark: Yes, I went to The Netherlands, Germany, France, Greece, The Czetch Republic and Italy before coming to Spain.
Denia: What is your favourite kind of music?
Mark: Reggae, Hip-Hop and Rock.
Denia: And your favourite sport?
Mark: Soccer.
Denia: Do you like Spain?
Mark: Oh yes, I love it.
Denia: And our school?
Mark: Yes, the students are great and everyone is friendly.
Denia: Do you have a girlfriend?
Mark: At the moment, no. But I've only been in Spain for 2 weeks so I will keep looking for one.
Denia: Do you speak Spanish?
Mark: Sí, hablo Español pero quiero mejorar.
Denia: Thank you very much Mark and welcome to Spain and to our school !
Mark: Thanks to you !
jueves, octubre 01, 2009
A new academic year has just started. Our students in the European Section reached 3rd ESO,
It seems like only yesterday!!!
There are around 110 pupils studying in our Section this year, distributed in two 1st ESO groups, A and B, one 2nd and one 3rd ESO groups, A and B respectively.
Apart from the increasing number of students, two new Departments join the Section: Physics & Chemistry and Art, and some new teachers from these and other Departments.
We want to wish all the students, teachers and people working at “Cañada Real School”, a nice year from this blog.
At this time we close with a quotation from Zig Ziglar, an American writer: You don't have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great.
miércoles, junio 24, 2009
The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe
It is an adventure film full of fantasy in which four kids travel through a wardrobe to the land of Narnia and learn of their destiny to free it with the guidance of a mystical lion.
It was directed by Andrew Adamson and it was released in Spain in december 2005. It won and Oscar, another 12 wins and 36 nominations.
These are the most important characters: Georgie Henley (Lucy), Skandar Keynes (Edmund), William Moseley (Peter), Anna Popplewell (Susan), Tilda Swinton (White Witch) and James McAvoy (Mr. Tumnus).
The students behaved and we all had a good time.
Some journeys take us far from home. Some adventures lead us to our destiny.
Luis Fernández
martes, junio 16, 2009
viernes, mayo 22, 2009
jueves, abril 30, 2009
Celebrating Edgar Allan Poe's anniversary
La figura del escritor norteamericano Edgar Allan Poe (1809-1849) ha sido el hilo conductor para la celebración del Día del Libro por parte de nuestro Departamento de Inglés. En la biblioteca del centro, nuestros alumnos y alumnas han visitado una exposición sobre la vida y obra del autor, junto a diversos artículos periodísticos, aparecidos recientemente en la prensa de nuestro país con motivo del 200 aniversario de su nacimiento.
Esta pequeña exposición, coincidió con otra organizada por el Departamento de Lengua y Literatura sobre novela gótica.
La visita concluía con la proyección de las adaptaciones en versión original de dos obras de este autor: A Tell Tale Heart y The Raven.
Luis Fernández
Departamento de Inglés
martes, marzo 24, 2009
Science Day
miércoles, febrero 25, 2009
miércoles, febrero 18, 2009
El IES "Cañada Real" será centro asociado examinador del Trinity College
viernes, febrero 06, 2009
Visita al Toledo de las tres culturas
“La excursión me ha gustado mucho porque aunque era en inglés nos hemos enterado de casi todo” (Pamela 2º D)
“La excursión me ha gustado mucho porque estaba con mis amigas, vimos Toledo y aunque lo dijeron en inglés me enteré de bastante” (Sandra 2º D).
Ha sido una experiencia muy novedosa y positiva que pensamos repetir en años venideros.
Mª Luisa González-Tejero de la Flor.
sábado, enero 24, 2009
Teaching Other Subjects Through English
En sus siete capítulos hace un recorrido por las destrezas speaking, reading y writing. También nos ofrece estrategias y procediminetos para las distintas fases del proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje: teaching and activating key vacabulary, giving new information, consolidation, revision, using supplementary resources y project work.
Recomendable tanto para profesores de Inglés como ANL y disponible en nuestro centro.
Luis Fernández (coordinador de la Sección Europea)
viernes, enero 23, 2009
Clases de Inglés para el profesorado ANL con nuestra Auxiliar de Conversación
disfrutará, a partir del mes de enero de una hora semanal de clase de Inglés con nuestra Auxiliar de Conversación, Raquelle Richardson. Estas clases serán fundamentalmente prácticas de conversación, encaminadas a estimular y mejorar las destrezas comunicativas de todos estos profesores y profesoras, sin los cuales, estos proyectos no serían posibles.